Essays, profiles & photography
Much like my life, my work spans multiple genres and disciplines, from environmental and investigative journalism to profiles featuring artists, chefs and outdoor athletes (with personal essays mixed in for good measure).
Selected Clips
Conservation Corps reaches out to women for trail work
Investigative pieces
Stephanie Jackson to plea on charges in Jacob Millison murder
Judge denies Rudibaugh self defense claim in murder charge
Water security in the Valley: County’s piece of a larger puzzle
Gunnison County looking for answers from BLM for coal mine methane leasing
Local Air Force veteran tackling PTSD with nature-based research
Rewilding Woman - Crested Butte Magazine
A family affair: one local chef draws inspiration from her mother - feature on Montanya Distillers chef, Rose Reyes, CB Visitors Guide
A space to create - feature on artists studios, words and photos, The Peak Magazine
Personal Essays